Evidence Base for The Highams Park Plan

The Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG)  began consulting with residents at the Highams Park Plan Launch Event on 16th November, 2013 and details of the ideas, suggestions and  opinions we gathered from residents were used to prepare the Highams Park Plan.  Details of the information gathered are contained on this page, so if you would like to read more about where the policies of the Highams Park Plan came from, please click on the links below:

  1. HP Plan Approval of Referendum Plan
  2. Draft Decision Statement HP Plan
  3. HP Plan Submission Version -changes marked post examination
  4. HP Plan Examination Report
  5. HP Plan Inspectors Comments
  6. HP Plan consultation responses and HPPG Replies – 7 Jan 2019 to 18 Feb 2019
  7. HP Plan Submission Letter to LBWF 14 Nov 2018
  8. HP Plan Submission Version – 19th October 2018
  9. Annex 1 HP Plan Aspirations_ Projects _ Actions LBWF Submission Version
  10. Local Area Profile of the Highams Park Plan Area
  11. Consultation Statement for HP Plan Submission Document
  12. Basic Conditions Statement for HP Plan Submission Document
  13. Highams Park NP HRA and SEA Screening Report 221018_2
  14. Comments by Statutory Consultees & Responses
  15. HP Plan HRA and SEA Screening Report 18 04 18 (3)
  16. CLM – The Highams Park NP 2017 – Health Check Review – March 2018 (1)
  17. HP Plan Local Consultation May 17 Consultation – General Comments & Responses
  18. HP Plan Local Consultation May 17 – Specific Comments & Responses
  19. Annex 1 Local Consultation May 17 – Specific Comments & Responses
  20. Responses – Questionnaire 1. Natural Environment
  21. Responses – Questionnaire 2. Traffic, Pedestrians and Public Realm
  22. Responses – Questionnaire 3. Business Employment & Community Facilities
  23. Responses – Questionnaire 4. New Housing Development in the Highams Park Neighbourhood Plan Area
  24. Responses – Questionnaire 5. Sustainability, Housing Estates & Houses in Multiple Occupation
  25. A Survey of Highams Park Residents commissioned by LBWF in May 2016
  26. Ideas Lists prepared by members of HPPG based on residents suggestions
  27. Link to The Waltham Forest Local Plan
  28. Link to The London Plan
  29. Link to The National Policy Planning Framework (NPPF)