Results of HPPG’s Survey of Dangerous Junctions & Crossing Points
We have now analysed the feedback from local residents of the survey we ran in April/May this year on dangerous junctions and crossing points in the Highams Park Area. A brief summary of the survey is as follows and full details are in the attached document:
Summary of Dangerous Junctions & Crossing Points Survey
145 responses were received to the survey of Dangerous Junctions. This listed 12 junctions, crossings and sections of road in Highams Park that were identified as potentially dangerous by members of HPPG.
Six of the sites were agreed to be dangerous by over 70% of those gave a view (i.e. not including those who answered ‘Don’t Know’), as follows:
- Falmouth Avenue junction with The Avenue,
- Bend and hill in The Avenue at north end of Abbots Crescent (near Dentist),
- Mini-roundabout at junction of The Avenue and Chingford Lane,
- Chingford Lane crossing from the forest land to The Avenue/Keynsham Avenue,
- Handsworth Avenue junction with Hale End Road,
- Zebra crossing in The Broadway adjacent to the level crossing.
A further five were agreed to be dangerous by between 50 and 69% of those who gave a view:
- Junction of Forest Glade and The Avenue,
- Junction at north end of Larkshall Crescent with Larkshall Road,
- Junction of Beverley Road with Hale End Road,
- Bend in the middle of Hollywood Way.
A small majority (59 against 56) consider the zebra crossing by V&A Books in The Avenue to be dangerous.
One site, the junction with mini-roundabout between Hollywood Way and Oak Hill, was thought not to be dangerous by more than those who do think it is dangerous (52 to 40).
We aim to discuss the results of the survey with the Council’s highways team to see what measures can be taken to make these junctions safer.
If on reading these results you think the survey has missed a junction or crossing point in the area that you believe to be dangerous please email
Click on the link below to see the full results of the survey.
Results of Survey on Dangerous Junctions – May 2016