Questionnaire – would you like forestry classes for children in Highams Park?

Questionnaire – would you like forestry classes for children in Highams Park?

If you would like a forest school in Highams Park  please complete our survey by clicking on the link below. By way of background, during our consultations for the Highams Park Plan many people said that there are not enough activities for young people in the area. One of the suggestions was running nature study classes at the lake and nearby forest. Now that we have Humphry’s Café in the park and there are toilet facilities available this is something that can now be seriously considered.

Tinder Sticks, who you may have seen at some of the events in The Highams Park, are  considering setting up a local Forest School and has asked HPPG to canvas local people to see if it is something that people would support and how it can be best set up to suit people’s busy schedules.
To find out more and to take part in the survey: click on this link: