Reminder to respond to the Council’s Local Plan and Site Allocations Consultations before 14th December & Proposed Designation of Land to the rear of Larks Wood as Local Green Space
As you may be aware the Council has two consultations running regarding its proposed new Local Plan. The Plan includes Highams Park Station, and garages at the end of people’s back gardens, as Site Opportunity Locations for housing. If adopted, we believe the Local Plan will be severely detrimental to the look and feel of Highams Park in the coming years. If you share our concerns about the Council’s proposals you need to respond before the consultations finish on 14th December.
We appreciate you have busy lives, so we have prepared two simple responses (one for each consultation) that you can copy and paste into an email and send it to the Council.
You need to submit a separate email for each of the two consultations and send them to: planning.policy@
Please remember to put your name and address at the foot of each email.
The example responses are as follows:
Email Header 1: “Shaping the Borough Waltham Forest Local Plan LP2 Draft Site Allocations Document”
Suggested response:
I have reviewed your consultation document and should like to comment as follows:
- I share the same views as those expressed by the Highams Park Planning Group in their letter of 3rd November 2020 in response to this consultation.
- I agree with the proposal by the Friends of Ainslie & Larks Woods that the tract of land to the rear of Larks Wood referred to as Site A in their letter should be designated as Local Green Space.
- I note that a number of Site Opportunity Locations were included in your LP1 (Regulation 19) consultation but were not included in this LP2 Site Allocation Consultation, as they are not regarded as Key or Strategic Sites. I believe this is potentially misleading due to the impact development of these sites could have on the character of Highams Park and other areas across the Borough and these sites should not have been included in the Submission Version of the Local Plan consultation without proper consultation.
Email Header 2: “Shaping the Borough Waltham Forest Local Plan (LP1) 2020-2035 Proposed Submission Document (Regulation 19) October 2020″
Suggested Response:
I have reviewed your consultation document and should like to comment as follows:
- I share the same views as those expressed by the Highams Park Planning Group in their letter of 27th November 2020 that some policy statements in the Submission Version of the Local Plan (SLP) are unsound and/or the Council has failed in its duty to cooperate.
- Due to the heavy reliance on Site Opportunity Locations in the SLP to meet the Council’s housing targets, a more rigorous and thorough consultation, as part of the LP2 Site Allocations Consultation, should have been undertaken regarding Site Opportunity Locations in Highams Park and across the Borough before their inclusion in Figure 4.1. in the SLP.